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Gator swimmers close to wrapping up winter season

The local Gators summer swim program recently recognized members at several schools who are participating in winter swim competition:

"Although the winter swim season has not yet wrapped entirely, we do want to congratulate all of our high school swimmers that finished their season in February. This year our Gators proudly competed for Ada, Bath, Findlay and Lima Senior swim teams. Winter swim is a whole other level of effort and dedication and we are so proud of all their efforts!

"Special recognition to our swimmers who were able to extend their HS season and compete at the district level:

Claire Kemmere (Findlay) - 200 Free, 500 Free, 200 F.Relay, 400F.Relay

Sydney Koslakiewicz (Bath) - 100 Breast

Lucas Bell (Bath) - 200 Free, 100 Free, 200 F.Relay, 400 F.Relay

Coen Callahan (Bath) - 200 F.Relay, 400 F.Relay

Landon Stahler (Bath) - 50 Free, 100 Free, 200 F.Relay, 400 F.Relay

Daxton Truman (Bath) - 200 F.Relay, 400 F.Relay

Lily Baumgartner (Ada) - 100 Butterfly, 100 Back, 200 M.Relay, 200 F.Relay

Kaitlyn Bowden (Ada) - 100 Butterfly, 100 Back, 200 M.Relay, 200 F.Relay

Carlie Oldfield (Ada) - 50 Free, 100 Back, 200 M.Relay, 200 F.Relay

And our State Qualifiers:

Claire Kemmere (Findlay) - 200 Free, 500 Free

Landon Stahler (Bath) - 50 Free, 100 Free

Carlie Oldfield (Ada) - 50 Free

Lily Baumgartner (Ada) - 100 Butterfly, 100 Back"
