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Blanchard Valley Health System

Weekend Doctor: Sexual assault response teams and forensic nurses

By Michelle Stratton, BSN, RN, SANE-A, SANE-P
Forensic Nursing Program Coordinator, Emergency Department, Blanchard Valley Health System

Violence is a healthcare issue that destroys the quality of life in communities and all around the world. The consequence of sexual violence creates many complex health issues that require a team of dedicated professionals.

In most communities around the country, there are special teams that provide this supportive care to victims of sexual assault. 

Weekend Doctor: Urinary incontinence in women

By Joshua Ebel, MD
Blanchard Valley Urology Associates

Many women suffer from urinary incontinence, also known as urinary leakage. For some, this can be a slight dribble with activity that is a daily inconvenience. For others, it can be a major source of embarrassment that interferes with daily life. Just because incontinence is common, it doesn’t mean you have to live with it. There are a variety of solutions out there depending on your goals and the type of incontinence you have.

Weekend Doctor: Tumor registrars

By Jamie Thompson, CTR
Tumor Registry Program Administrator, Armes Family Cancer Care Center

Weekend Doctor: Annual wellness visits

By Jennifer Stull, MD
EasternWoods Family Practice 

Annual wellness visits (AWV) are an important part of an adult's healthy lifestyle. The purpose of an AWV is to develop and maintain a personalized prevention plan to help prevent disease and disability based on your current health and risk factors. Even if you do not have chronic illnesses, it is recommended to have an AWV to be proactive about your health. These visits differ from traditional office visits in which you may be seen for new or acute concerns. 

What is an Advanced Practice Provider?

By Paige Frey, APRN-CNP
Putnam County Primary Care, LLC

Weekend Doctor: Interruptions by technology

By Caitlin Tully
The Center for Family Safety and Healing
Nationwide Children’s Hospital*

Balancing the demands of caregiving with other life responsibilities is challenging for many parents. Many things need our attention, and we can be easily distracted by a phone alert or lose track of time scrolling through social media. Many parents’ lives have become even more digitally connected during the pandemic. This can have an impact on the health of families.   
