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Garden seminar: "“Something Old, New, Tried & True...."

Four speakers, continental breakfast, lunch included

HARDIN COUNTY– Recent warm weather has reminded us that work in the spring garden is coming. Believe it or not, spring is around the corner and so is the OSU Extension spring garden seminar. “Something Old, New, Tried & True in the Garden” is the planned seminar being offered by the Hardin County OSU Extension Master Gardener Volunteers this year. Get your seat reserved while you can. Plenty of topics are on the agenda for this event which will get your thoughts turned to gardening and away from the cold weather that has been with us for the past few months. (Flyer HERE)

This year’s spring garden seminar will feature four expert speakers. Nora Hiland will speak on ‘Exotic Invasive Plants.’ What are they? Why are they a problem? Rapid growth, high productivity rates, and lack of natural controls have helped non-natives displace native species. Why are some of your favorite landscape plants a problem in natural areas? Nora Hiland earned a B.S. in Ornamental Horticulture from California State University in Fresno. She worked as a research assistant in horticulture then earned a teaching degree and taught biology and general science in grades 7-12. She has been a Master Gardener in Delaware County since 2009 and a member of Ohio Invasive Plants Council since 2005.

Lamb Banquet tickets on sale until February 24

2023 Lamb & Wool Ambassador contests and scholarship information

The Hardin County Sheep Improvement Association will hold their annual Lamb Banquet on Saturday, March 4 at St. John’s Evangelical Church in Kenton at 6:30 pm. Tickets for the banquet can be reserved from the Extension office by calling 419-674-2297 and paid for at the door the night of the banquet.

Adult tickets are $20, Children (4-8 years old) $10, and 2022 Hardin County Junior Fair Sheep Exhibitors are free with a reservation given to the Extension office by February 24.

College Credit Plus meeting for Ada High School students

Ada High School will host a College Credit Plus meeting at 6:00 p.m. on February 15 in the auditorium. Students and parents are invited to attend the meeting to learn about the College Credit Plus program mandated by House Bill 487. 

The law allows high school students to enroll in college courses while enrolled in high school, if the student meets eligibility requirements set by the college or university. Students may enroll during the school day or in the evening. If the student chooses to use the credit toward high school graduation, the cost of tuition, books, and fees will be paid by the high school.

Music & Academic Boosters 11th annual purse raffle tickets

A few tickets are still available for the 11th Annual Purse Raffle hosted by the Ada Academic Boosters and Ada Music Boosters on February 19. Purchase tickets at

June camp at ONU's Raabe College of Pharmacy

The Ohio Northern University Raabe College of Pharmacy is hosting a Pharmacy Camp from June 11-16, 2023. This camp is open to high school students who will be entering their Junior or Senior year.

During the weeklong pharmacy course, students will discover the expanding role pharmacists play in improving patient lives. Students first learn the history of pharmacy and then progress through hands-on experiences that introduce them to a variety of pharmacy disciplines.

With the guidance of ONU faculty and health care leaders in the area, students learn about drug modeling, design and development; compounding lab work; visit multiple pharmacy settings; perform research on drug information; and learn more about the expanding role of pharmacists in patient care, assessment and counseling.

Students present a final project to ONU faculty and parents.

Class size is limited to 24 students. Please direct questions to [email protected].


Three Johnny Appleseed events in February

Nature Journaling

On Tues., Feb. 16 at 6:30 p.m., the Johnny Appleseed Metro Park District will offer Intro To Nature Journaling at the McElroy Environmental Education Center, 2355 Ada Rd. Lima.

Nature journaling is a great way to be present in nature, appreciate and record it. Consisting of sketches, paintings, notes, and descriptions, nature journaling offers an opportunity to try to capture a moment and recall observations that otherwise would be forgotten. This session will offer a brief introduction and some tools to get you started. Register by Feb. 14 by calling 419-221-1232 or go to to register. Limited materials available for a $10 fee.
