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Ada's latest news

Historical Society to meet Monday


The newly-formed Ada Historical Society will meet at 6:30 p.m. on Monday at the Ada Public Library. All of those interested in helping organize the Society are welcome To attend.

Earlier, the Society organizers thought that the first annual membership dinner would be held on Monday, but the dinner has been postponed until May. The meeting on Monday will involve making plans for the dinner and its membership drive. All of those who attend the May dinner and join the Society will be considered charter members.

Art on display


Now on view at the Stambaugh Studio Theatre Gallery is the Graphic & Advertising Student Juried Exhibition. Gallery hours are 8 a.m. until 5 p.m.daily and prior to Freed Center events.

Tetsuharu “Haru” Hashimoto, a senior management major from Yokkaichi-Shi, Japan, won best of show in this year’s juried exhibit. His book, “Ordinary to Extraordinary,” explores nature and typography. The show is on view through May 4.

Raising the bar

Ada senior Zachary Breidenbach clears the bar on the high jump at Waynesfield. (Cort Reynolds photo)

"We have come a long, long way, but we have a long, long way to go”

Protege of Dr. King to speak at statue dedication

Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. fought and ultimately gave his life for the cause of civil rights and nonviolent protest.

One of his protégés will be the keynote speaker for the dedication of the University’s new bronze statue commemorating the 50-year anniversary of King’s visit to campus in 1968.

The ceremony, open to the public, will begin at 10:30 a.m. on Tuesday in the area between Taft Building and the Law College. In case of inclement weather, the program will be held inside English Chapel.

A visit from the ambassador

All about Afghanistan-U.S. relations

By Monty Siekerman
The Afghanistan Ambassador to the United States, Hamdullah Mohib, met with 10 students from his country while at Ohio Northern Thursday.

The students are here for an advanced law degree, the LLM, which they will receive in May. Later that evening, the Ambassador addressed a general meeting at the law school which was open to the public. He discussed the current state of Afghan-U.S. relations.

Prof. Howard Fenton has administered ONU’s LLM in Democratic Governance and Rule of Law program since its inception here 13 years ago. After this year’s commencement, 30 students from Afghanistan will have received the LLM from ONU.

She knows a thing or two about fire trucks

Meri Skilliter, Ada Schools superintendent, reads about fire trucks to the preschoolers, who were learning about transportation. She knows a thing or two about fire trucks since her husband has been a firefighter for many years. The children toured an Ada-Liberty fire truck the day before she read to them.
