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Ada's latest news

Man barricades himself in house

A deputy from the Hardin  County Sheriff’s Office attempted to make a traffic stop in Ada after viewing a routine traffic violation.   The suspect vehicle failed to stop and continued to 417 W. Highland Ave.   The driver of the vehicle, later identified as John Denton, immediately became combative with the deputy and an officer from the Ada Police Department.   

The deputy's cruiser was damaged by Denton who was able to get into his residence after damaging the patrol vehicle and began to barricade himself inside.   

Denton’s elderly mother did exit the residence and was safely removed from the scene.   

Feeding time!

It's feeding time for the mallards and Canadian geese at the pond by the Freed Center. For the feathered friends who live there, it's always feeding time, hoping for a morsel from any passerby. They don't go hungry.

(Photo by Ken Collins)

Ada scouts ride the rapids

Ada Boy Scouts Kamron Wilkerson and Dexter Woods III recently returned from the 12-day national jamboree near Beckley, W Va. Dexter and Kamron (second and third on the port side of the raft) are shown whitewater rafting on the New River. 

If you are near the New River, you go whitewater rafting because it's one of the best rapids around. 

And, if you are near a national jamboree (held only every four years) you go. President Trump was among the speakers. More than 34,000 Scouts from 50 nations attended the jamboree.

Barb Meek, ONU grad, now director of alumni relations

Barb Meek, a 1990 ONU public relations graduate, returns to ONU as director of alumni relations. 

She began her career as the assistant director of public information and director of publications. 

From there, she held an advancement position with Pontifical College Josephinum in Columbus before spending six years at Kenyon College as director of campus events and then as assistant director of alumni and parent relations and annual funds. 

Most recently, she was director of community relations and development for a food pantry in Pickerington.

Final meeting of Blanchard Pleasant Buckeyes

The Blanchard Pleasant Buckeyes held their final meeting for the year on Monday evening, August 7th, at 7:30 p.m. in the Hardin Northern Ag Building. A scavenger hunt was led by Heidi Trachsel. Vern Woodruff led the 4-H Pledge, and Carl Woodruff led the Pledge of Allegiance. Cassie Deckling led role call with 35 members, 9 advisers, and 4 guests.

Emma Miller gave a Secretary's Report and Megan Miller game a Treasure's Report. Award certificates were passed out. Demonstrations were given on how to show different types of livestock.

It will be a sunny picnic

It won't rain this year. The Icon returned to its 2015 Farmers and Merchants Picnic archives for this photo. It was a very sunny day in Ada  - that's the way it will be on Saturday. Promise.
