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Iconoclast View

Snow in April? Please say it ain't so

3:30 pm Saturday, April 2, in Ada saw sleet and snow, covering the ground and early-blooming flowers and trees.

Cold temperatures won't bother spring bulb flowers much, but magnolias tree blooms will turn black and other flowering trees may loose their spring finery due to current and anticipated freezes the next few days. (Monty Siekerman photo)

Ada  on Trump’s short list for major announcement?

Could Ada be the location of a major announcement soon by Donald Trump, presidential hopeful?

Candidate Trump may have narrowed down to five small Ohio communities, each with a four-year liberal arts college, as possibly locations where he may announce his choice of a vice presidential running mate.

The Icon understands the five villages in the final cut include:
• Ada, home of Ohio Northern University
• Bluffton, home of Bluffton University
• Granville, in Licking County, home of Denison University
• Gambier, in Knox County, home of Kenyon College
• Hiram, in Portage County, home of Hiram College

Hootsuite, crowdsourcing, platform, blogger and more at Ada's L.E.A.D. seminar

Photo and story by Monty Siekerman

If you think social media is only for 20somethings, you are dead wrong. If you think social media for business is a man-thing, wrong again.

About 50 women business leaders attended a seminar at the Dicke Building on Wednesday to hear a presentation on how to effectively use social media to expand their businesses.

How many pies in the face can one guy handle? 30 minutes worth!

Don't ask ONU Engineering Dean Baumgartner if he likes pies.

He probably did at one time, but after March 19 his tastes changed. Here's a report from the ONU Engineering Facebook page:

"Last night (March 19) I participated in ONU Relay for Life participated in "Pie a Professor" at ONU's Relay for Life event. After 30 minutes of nearly constant pies, I tried to buy my way out of another pie. I was only partially successful. At least it was for a good cause!" - Dean Baumgartner

2016 Interclass Video is one of a kind

Here's a frame from the Ada High School Interclass Video of 2016. It's a parody for the benefit of students, staff and community members.

The video uses "We Didn't Start the Fire," by Billy Joel. Click here, sit back and be prepared to be entertained.  Several still frames from the video are below.

Let's go climb a tree!

We thought kids were the only people who climb trees. So do adults.

Our feature photo on the top of the home page, from Monty Siekerman, shows the Tawa Tree Service at work in Ada. Here's a couple more views thanks to a zoom lens.

Here's the details on the tree climbers:
