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15 minutes with Mr. Concrete Canoe Advisor, sports timekeeper and lots more

Concrete canoe advisor, sports timekeeper, educator, and more....that's Bob Ward.

How did you get involved with concrete canoe competition?
An engineering society holds a competition each year. I have supported the concrete canoe team and have gone to most of our competitions since I came here. It has been wonderful seeing the team improve each year and has made it to the nationals several times in the past few years.

Come on in - the water's fine! - Delta Sigma Phi raises money for Red Cross


Ohio Northern University's Delta Sigma Phi fraternity sponsored the 4th annual Polar Plunge at the Fraternity Circle pond on Saturday with the goal of raising $3,000 to benefit the American Red Cross.


Fraternity brothers, as well as students from across campus, took the plunge after eight inches of ice was cut away with a chainsaw.

Ada Liberty EMS stood by, just in case. "Plungers" ran to a tent after a quick dip to sit by a heater before heading home.

Melissa Eddings juror for this year’s Kewpee art show

ArtSpace/Lima, downtown Lima, will host the 27th Annual Kewpee High School Art Invitational from Feb. 27 to April 11. The exhibition, which will feature cash awards, includes works in various categories, including sculpture, photography, painting, digital media, printmaking, mixed media, sculpture, jewelry, and drawing.

The Kewpee Exhibit is sponsored by Kewpee Restaurants of Lima, Ohio.

Artists from 21 area high schools including Ada will be exhibiting their work.  A total of 104 pieces will be in the exhibit.

Jurors for the exhibit are Gregg Luginbuhl, Bluffton University, and Melissa Eddings, Ohio Northern University.

Escaping winter

One of the most beautiful indoor spaces on the ONU campus is the lounge area at the entrance to the Mathile Center. The gathering/reading area includes two large panel "waterfalls," tropical plants, and eye-catching mobiles. (Monty Siekerman)

15 with Richard Gainey, Santa, and the WONB station manager - all rolled into one

Richard Gainey will retire from ONU this year, but his gig as Santa will continue, which is good news for all the good little boys and girls, adults, too. Richard wears many hats: Mr. WONB, Mr. Claus, Friend of Unloved Pets, and Budding Artist.

As founder and general manager of the campus radio station, in 1988, what changes have you observed?
The profession is constantly changing. For example, what used to be done on a 10-foot long piece of equipment, can now be accomplished on a laptop. Radio ownership is trending toward stations being nationally owned with regional management.

ONU biology student sees compost as way to save Ada money

By Amy Eddings

As a biology/pre-med major at Ohio Northern University, Michael Chad Bridges didn’t think he’d be studying food waste. But that’s exactly where the 21-year-old’s senior project has led him.  His research has so convinced Bridges of the economic and environmental value of composting, he’s spoken with ONU officials and the village council of Ada about investing in a system to compost food scraps.

You could say he was inspired by love.
