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Regional news

Stardeath over Ada skies Friday

Hear all about it at the ONU Observatory

Icon viewers are invited to the ONU Observatory on Friday, March 9, from 8-10 p.m. for a program titled "Stardeath: supernovae and their remnants."

According to Dr. Jason Pinkney,  professor of physics and astronomy and manger of the ONU Observatory, "Stars meet their death in a variety of ways which depends mostly on their mass.  Most massive stars end in spectacular explosions called supernovae.

"Those which occur in our Milky Way galaxy can outshine Venus for a month or more."

800 farmers

On the ONU campus for two-day conservation tillage conference

By Monty Siekerman
About 800 farmers from throughout Ohio are attending the 26th annual, two-day Conservation Tillage conference at McIntosh Center.


Sixty presenters are scheduled to talk today and tomorrow.  Many agribusiness exhibits are on hand.

Experts from OSU Extension, OARDC, USDA, and SWCD will talk about the latest research on topics that affect today’s farmers, crop consultants, and agribusiness professionals.

Photo: Albert Suniga of Ada helps at the registration table. He is storm water inspector for Allen County Soil and Water.


The Icon spotted MORGAN on the Bluffton University campus. This Wood County plate is on a dark grey VW.

GoFundMe account for Sam growing

Ada community steps up and helps out

Friends and neighbors, relatives and strangers have opened their hearts and pocketbooks for Sam’s funeral expenses. A GoFundMe account was set up with donations reaching $8,200 as of Sunday night. The goal is $8,400.

Samuel (Sam...Sammy) Rowold was only 13 years old when he passed away Feb. 23 in a pond near his home just northeast of Ada. The teenager was non-verbal autistic.

To give, go to:
Then, at the top of the page in the Search box, type Sam’s Funeral Expense.

Donations above the cost of the funeral will be given to the Autism Support Group from Hardin County to buy GPS bracelets for other autistic children to help keep them safe.

Easter egg hunt

St. Paul’s United Church of Christ is located at 4443 TR 25, southwest of Ada



The 9-10 group and the 11-12 group both placed in their division at the TEAMS competition at ONU. Both groups improved their scores from last year.
