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Step on a crack and...create some art

You heard the ditty from your friends when you were a kid: don't step on a crack or you'll break your mother's back.

It wasn't cracks you had to watch out for at the library Friday afternoon, it was rainbows, butterflies, even a boat you had to avoid.

Here, Holden Conn, 8, adds his chalk art to the walk in front of the Ada Public Library.

• Noellee Conn, 3
• Lincoln Conn, 5

Crowning a princess

Suzanne Darmer helps granddaughter, True Waldo, put on a crown during a prince and princess tea at The Inn on Friday afternoon. Sarah Hopson, Inn sales coordinator, (center), looks on. The tea drew 33 adults and children to the royal occasion. (Monty Siekerman photo)

Ada: Ford Model A Capital of Ohio for the day

Ada served as the unofficial Ford Model A Capital of Ohio on Thursday.

Nearly 40 of the classic vehicles, ranging in models from 1928 to 1931 spent the day in town.


The vehicles were from the Penn-Ohio Model A Ford Club. Their visit here is part of the club’s 2016 Back Roads Tour taking place from June 19-24. 

The following photos are by Monty Siekerman:

Nope, it's not Ada in 1932

No, it's not a photo of Ada in 1932. It certainly has that feel to it. It's a photo several decades later, in 2016. The Icon wanted to see a black and white Model A Ford photo taken in Ada. We simply took out the color. More photos and a story are below.

Ada Ham radio operators have a field day

Story and photos by Ken Collins

Ada area ham radio operators were among members of the Kenton Amateur Radio Club who participated in Field Day 2016 Saturday and Sunday.


The annual Amateur Radio Relay League (ARRL) 24-hour event involves both a contest aspect and a test of ham radio operators' preparedness to provide essential communications when disasters strike.  Amateur radio clubs nationwide participate.

Working with first responders in the wake of Hurricane Katrina and other crises, ham radio has often provided emergency communications when other systems have failed.

Teen yoga at the library

Molly Sheets (left) and Paige Jochims participate in teen yoga at the Ada Public Library on Friday afternoon. The next teen yoga session will be at 3 p.m. on Friday, July 8, at the library. (Monty Siekerman)
