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Commencement 2024: One chapter ends, another begins

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Ohio Northern University celebrated Commencement 2024 the weekend of May 18-19 with three ceremonies: the College of Law ceremony held on Saturday, and the College of Pharmacy and Undergraduate/MSA ceremonies held on Sunday.

ONU’s first commencement took place in 1874, making 2024 the 150th year of the University launching well-prepared graduates into the workforce.

Approximately 678 individuals completed their degree programs at ONU during the 2023-24 academic year. The majority already have jobs lined up or have been accepted into graduate school programs. Every year, ONU graduates have exceptionally high placement rates; last year’s 2023 graduates had a 96 percent placement rate within six months of graduation.

During ONU’s weekend ceremonies, the University awarded four honorary doctorates. James Halderman, BSEd ’68, Hon.D. ’24, educator and entrepreneur, received a Doctor of Humane Letters.

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