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Shirley's of Bluffton offers two popcorn flavors of the month

There's two flavors of the month at Shirley's Gourmet Popcorn Co. of Bluffton in February, according to Peter Suter.
"The arrival of February brings one of your favorite flavors back to Shirley's - Oreo-White Chocolate," he said. "We begin with our sweet red candy-coated popcorn, mix in lots of crushed up Oreo cookies, then top it off with smooth white chocolate. This is the perfect treat for your significant other this Valentine's Day." 

But wait... there's more.

"As you know, in January, we hosted our first-ever employee popcorn cook-off," said Suter.  "Teresa VanOss, one of our long-time popcorn chefs won the contest with her recipe, Mercy Munch (named after her employer).

"She used a base of our creamy caramel, tossed in some crushed up Snickers candy bars, then coated with with rich milk chocolate!  It's no wonder she won!  Mercy Munch joins Oreo-White Chocolate as a February flavor of the month."
