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Illusion, ventriloquism, juggling...all in one at the library

Story and photos by Monty Siekerman
Remy and Friends entertained more than 100 children at an event sponsored by the Ada Public Library and held at Community Health Professionals on Monday morning.

The kids loved the show of illusion, ventriloquism, and juggling put on by Ron Remy of Dayton.

The Ada Icon asked Ron how he became interested in such a line of work.

"By necessity," he replied, explaining how he quit his 60 hour a week sales job to help his wife with cancer. She became cancer-free, so he thought he'd better get to work to bring in some income. That was 18 years ago.

Remy recalled having enjoyed puppetering at church many years ago, so decided to attend a conference in Indiana about how to entertain through the visual arts.

There, he learned that he enjoyed and had a knack for working with puppets, juggling, and illusion.

His years of experience shows success since the children were excited by his show.