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Jumbo Jr. Farmers 4-H meeting report

By: Drew Hoppe

The first meeting for the Jumbo Jr. Farmers was held Monday, March 27th at the McDonald Township Hall.  The meeting was started by the 4-H Pledge being led by Asher Bridenstine and the Pledge of Allegiance which was led by Claire Ketcham.  At the meeting the group elected officers who are; President, Noah Ketcham, Vice President, Katherine Moore, Secretary, Helen Taylor, Treasure, Claire Ketcham, Reporter, Drew Hoppe.  We also elected Health, Environmental, Safety and Recreational officers who are as follows, Brenna Dyer, Quinn Dyer, Drew Stevens, Kevin Smith, Ruth Anne Osborn and Jeffery Bushong.   


Under new business members were informed that the project enrollment forms are due, April 10th.  The next meeting for the Jumbo Jr. Farmers will be held April 10th in McDonald Township Hall at 7:00 pm.  The Bushongs will be bringing drinks and the Dyers will be bringing snacks.  The meeting was adjourned by Grant Smith and seconded by Drew Hoppe
