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Blanchard Pleasant Buckeyes 4H meeting held

The Blanchard Pleasant Buckeyes 4-H Club held a meeting on Monday, July 10th, at 7:30 p.m. in the Hardin Northern Ag Building. Recreation for the evening was playing outside led by Makenna Eibling. Preston Wykes led the 4-H Pledge, and Carl Woodruff led the Pledge of Allegiance.

There were 33 members, 7 advisers, and 4 guests. Clover Award sheets were turned in. Bob McBride went over what should be completed in the individual's books for judging. Vern Woodruff Jr. presented a demonstration on rockets. Carl Woodruff demonstrated his project on Science Chemistry. Heidi Trachsel also gave a presentation on sewing and ironing. Leif Trachsel led trivia.

The meeting was moved to adjourn by Rylie Bame, seconded by Lani Thomas. Emma Miller led the Lord's Prayer, and refreshments were provided by Mara Ruhlen.
