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Allison named 2021 Ada Distinguished Citizen of the Year

Arlene Allison, the Title I Reading Teacher at Ada Elementary School, received a surprise visit on Wednesday, November 17 notifying her that she is the 2021 Ada Distinguished Citizen of the Year. Ada Area Chamber of Commerce director Deb Curliss and Ada students and staff congratulated her on the award.

Allison’s nomination highlighted her ongoing involvement with the Ada Academic Boosters and Ada Music Boosters, as well as leading the Harvest and Herb Queen competition for 20 years. 

Allison’s reaction: “I was absolutely shocked! I have often attended Town and Gown in some capacity since I was in high school. The amazing list of honorees is so impressive! Talk about incredible role models! You hear their names and just smile because you know what an influence they have had on our village!”

She told the Icon: “I also know it takes a village to do great things. My husband Scott and our three children Rob, Grace and Jillian are with me every step of the way, knowing the importance of giving back, along with countless friends who are always there to help and do. I get emotional when I think how proud the honor would have made my parents, especially my mom. She loved Ada so much and was an incredible silent “doer.” My biggest role model.”

A small dinner for Allison will be hosted by The Ada Town and Gown Association rather than the traditional large banquet event.

Selected community roles and activities:

Ada Academic Boosters, officer

Ada Alumni Association, past president

Ada Music Boosters, officer

Ada Schools Junior Class Advisor

Ada Schools and Ada Public Library levy committees member

Harvest and Herb Festival Queen Competition, lead organizer

Harvest and Herb Festival, organizer

P.E.O. Sisterhood, member

St. Paul’s Church of Christ, member and consistory member

Volley for the Cure, organizer
