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Blanchard Valley Health System

BVHS joins Mayo Clinic in convalescent plasma transfusion

For treatment of patients with COVID-19

Blanchard Valley Health System (BVHS) has been accepted and registered as a participating site in Mayo Clinic’s Expanded Access Protocol for Convalescent Plasma Program for treatment of patients with COVID-19.

Researchers believe that convalescent plasma (CP), which refers to blood plasma collected from people who have recovered from COVID-19, may help patients with advanced illness from COVID-19. The antibodies in the plasma may have the ability to help patients fight the virus and recover more quickly.

Bluffton Hospital will test all patients coming for scheduled surgeries, procedures

Change from previous practice

Bluffton Hospital has initiated COVID-19 testing for all patients coming to the hospital for scheduled surgeries and procedures. 

This is a change from the previous practice of testing only those exhibiting symptoms of the disease and referred by their primary care physicians.

The hours of operation for pre-surgery and procedure swabbing at Bluffton Hospital follows:
• Mondays through Fridays – 7:30 a.m. to 1 p.m.
• Weekends – 7:30 a.m. to 10:30 a.m.

Persons need to contact their physician to schedule a pre-surgery or procedure swabbing.

Weekend doctor: What is Eosinophilic Esophagitis (EoE)?

The patient has difficulty with solid foods and may feel like food gets “stuck” in the throat or chest

By Brenda Keller, APRN-CNP, Certified Nurse Practitioner
Gastroenterology Associates of Northwest Ohio

Eosinophilic esophagitis, or “EoE” for short, is a condition that affects the esophagus, the tube that carries food from the mouth to the stomach. In cases of EoE, the esophagus has cells called eosinophils.

Eosinophils are not normally found in the esophagus. They are cells associated with allergies. The exact cause of EoE is unknown but thought to be related to food allergies.

Mid-week doctor: What is a D.O.?

When you go to see your doctor you may notice some letters following the name, but have you ever wondered what they mean?

By Dr. Robert Puckett, DO
Family Medicine, Carey Medical Center

What is a DO?

When you go to see your doctor you may notice some letters following their name, but have you ever wondered what they mean? Physicians in the United States receive one of two degrees upon completion of medical school, either an MD or a DO. So, what is the difference?

Most people are familiar with a MD or Medical Doctor, but would you be surprised to know that nearly 1 in 4 current medical students is working toward their DO rather than an MD.

State of Our Organization: COVID-19 Response and Plan Part III

Blanchard Valley Health System - on Facebook Live 5:30-6:30 p.m. Thursday, April 30

Blanchard Valley Health System (BVHS) will hold a “State of Our Organization: COVID-19 Response and Plan Part III” through Facebook Live to discuss the COVID-19 pandemic, the response plan for BVHS and answer questions from the community.

President and CEO Scott Malaney and Dr. William Kose, vice president of special projects, will speak to the community for a third time on the pandemic and updates on the health system’s response from 5:30-6:30 p.m. Thursday, April 30.

Weekend doctor: I want this hair gone!

By Lorie Thomas, DO
Blanchard Valley Obstetrics & Gynecology
There are many options available for hair removal. People will use chemical depilatories, electrolysis, shaving or wax to remove hair.

A less painful option may be sugaring as well as laser hair removal for a more permanent hair removal option. 

Any area where you may have undesired hair is an option for hair removal. A few popular examples for men are shoulders, back, upper arms and nape of the neck.
