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Historical Ada

Did you know Ada High School had an orchestra?

Eighty-five school years ago, Ada High School had an orchestra. Here's the photo from the 1931 yearbook.

35 Ada student councils ago

Here are the Ada High School student leaders 35 legislative sessions ago. It's the Student Council from the 1980-81 school year.

Once upon a time in Ada - Willis Winkler was first president of Ada Senior Citizens

Here's another installment of Once upon a time im Ada, stories you never knew about your hometown, provided by Leland Crouse:

June 1971 the Ada Senior Citizens organized. The new Senior Citizens Center organization has accepted the offer of Post 185, American Legion, for free use of its first-floor room in the mornings and afternoons was announced by Willis Winkler, president.

Opening of the Senior Citizens was held Aug. 16, 1971, at 109 North Main Street.

This was Ada HS Science Club in 1981

Were you an Ada High School student in the 1980-81 school year? Okay, if so, were you in Science Club?

Here's the club photo from 35 school years ago. And, can someone please explain the paper airplanes in the back row?

Welcome to the Icon's newest feature - Once Upon A Time in Ada

The Icon thanks Lee Crouse, collector of interesting Ada facts, for providing us with a new feature. 

We call it "Once Upon A Time In Ada." Lee will provide us with facts, details, information and sometimes oddities about the town we call home.

We invite viewers to contact Lee with information he might use in future columns, or comments about his material. Contact him at: [email protected]

Here's his first installment:

Do you attend Ada HS prom in 2000?

The Icon needs some assistance from the Ada High School classes of 2000 and 2001 - or probably from parents of these classes.

Here's an informal photo from the 2000 Ada High School prom. Sorry to say, no one is identified.

Send IDs to: [email protected].

Many thanks!
