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Living in Ada

The Village Voice: It’s okay to hug a tree, just please don’t hang anything on it!

We start to see signs go up all over town around this time of year. Advertisements for garage sales, local events and contractor work are some of the most common signs we see throughout the summer. Having such signs visible is great for the event, sale or contractor, especially when the signs look nice.

Locations for the signs are crucial for visibility. However, there are some places that the signs are not permitted.

Per Ordinance 741.13, titled “Posting Bills,” hanging any kind of sign on trees, fences or utility poles on public grounds of the Village is not allowed, regardless of how those signs are hung.

Village Voice: Watering your garden with potable water? Consider the summer sewer credit

Watering your garden and/or lawn with potable water? Consider the Summer Sewer Credit.

Each summer, many Ada residents increase their water usage as a result of watering their gardens and lawns. Per Codified Ordinance 921.13, residents may apply for a sewer credit to help offset that added sewer expense.

An annual fee of $5.00 must be paid in order to qualify for the credit. That payment can be made at the Water Office, beginning immediately.

South Main-Lima Avenue intersection closure on June 2

The reconstruction of East Lima Avenue continues to progress well. The crews will soon be reaching a point in construction where it will be necessary to close South Main Street at the Lima Avenue intersection to allow the crews to safely work on sewer lines.

This closure is planned to begin Monday, June 2. Detours will be posted for the area.

Please keep in mind your safety and the safety of the crews working. Do not move barricades or attempt to drive or walk through areas that have been marked as “closed.”

The Village Voice: Pool passes – Get yours for the reduced price for a limited time

Believe it or not, summer is right around the corner and after the long, cold winter we’ve had this year, who isn’t ready for the sun and heat.

Be prepared for those hot days and opening day on Memorial Day, Monday, May 26 – buy your season for  the Ada Pool today.

Season pool passes are now on sale at the water office. Ada residents/taxpayers can get passes for $30 per person through June 2. After June 2, the cost is $40 per person.

Village Voice: High school volunteers visit Ada - need any help?

On Saturday, June 7, participants in the Hugh O’Brian Youth Leadership (HOBY) Foundation Seminar will be performing community service throughout the village.

The participants are high school sophomores and juniors from around the state, and they are attending the HOBY seminar being hosted on the campus of ONU that week.

The students are able to assist residents and organizations on that Saturday from 9:30 a.m. to 1:30 p.m. To ensure that the day runs smoothly, residents are asked to contact the Village Office by Friday, May 23, to discuss project options and guidelines.

Village Voice: Ada pool passes now on sale

Believe it or not, summer is right around the corner and after the long, cold winter we’ve had this year, who isn’t ready for the sun and heat?! Be prepared for those hot days and opening day on May 26–buy your season passes for the Ada Pool today!

Season pool passes are on sale at the water office. Ada residents/taxpayers can get passes for $30 per person through June 2. After June 2, the cost is $40 per person. Non-residents/non-taxpayers can get passes for $60 per person through June 2. After June 2, the cost is $80 per person. A resident/taxpayer is anyone who works or lives within the Village limits and is required to file and pay Village income tax.
