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BC ALUM - You may not see this plate in Ada, but you'll see it in Bluffton. It means Bluffton College Alum. This plate is on Joanne Niswander's maroon Mercury Ssble LS. She is a Bluffton Maple Crest resident.

One more look at 2017 - part 2

A mix of news worthy and favorite photos - from July to December, 2017

Here's a selection of 2017 Ada Icon photos taken by Monty Siekerman, Ada Icon editor/writer/photographer. He chose one photo for each month because of its news worthiness or because he just liked the picture. January-June are shown today.

One more look at 2017 - part 1

A mix of news worthy and favorite photos - from January to June, 2017

Here's a selection of 2017 Ada Icon photos taken by Monty Siekerman, Ada Icon editor/writer/photographer. He chose one photo for each month because of its news worthiness or because he just liked the picture. January-June are shown today. Pictures from the last have of the year will be posted tomorrow.

Ada's Super Bowl fest featured in Ohio Magazine

We are having a little fun with our football heritage


The monthly "Ohio Magazine" published an article in the current issue (January 2018) about the Made in Ada Wilson Football Festival. The 2/3 page story, with a photo of Wynn Hauenstein's 10-foot-long, lighted football, is found on page 6.

The article quotes Mayor Dave Retterer and a festival organizer Amy Hilan (she and her husband Mark own the Easter House B&B). The story is titled, "Super Bowl Fun Day" and subtitled "The city of Ada, home of the Wilson football factory that makes footballs for every NFL game including the biggest matchup of the season, celebrates its pigskin heritage."

Vancrest residents have the holiday spirit

Here's some Christmas door decorations

Monty Siekerman stopped by Vancrest several times this week to photograph events taking place there.

He found that many of the Vancrest residents got into the spirit of Christmas by decorating their doors with wreaths.

Some even added snow scenes or Christmas themes on nightstands in the hallway outside their doors. Here is a sampling.

Do not feed the reindeer!

Here's a stern warning tapped on a door in the Ada school. However, we don't take it too seriously. Monty Siekerman photographed the message and a couple other holiday scenes on the last day of the 2017 school year.
