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Perseid meteor showers on tonight's sky show

Watch the skies tonight. It's the annual Perseid meteor showers weekend. The Perseid meteor shower is peaking on Sunday, Aug. 12. The Perseid meteor shower hits its peak every August and appears to come out of the constellation Perseus.

Click for details.

Here's the 2012-13 Ada school calendar

2012-13 Ada School Calendar

New Teacher Day August 10, 2012
Prep Day for All Teachers & Open House August 13, 2012
In-Service Day for Staff  August 14, 2012
Opening Day of School  August 16, 2012

No School - Labor Day  September 3, 2012
No School - Hardin Co. Fair Day  September 4, 2012
No School - Veteran's Day November 12, 2012
No School - Thanksgiving Break November 22-23, 2012

No School - Christmas Break December 21, 2012 - January 2, 2013
First Day of School After Break January 3, 2013
No School - Martin Luther King Day January 21, 2013

Aug. 10 and 11 - a weekend for Ada to remember

Where were you on Friday or Saturday, Aug. 10 or 11? Here's a guess. You were either holding one of the more than 50 garage sales in Ada, which were part of the Lincoln Highway Buy-Way Yard Sale, or, you attended the 99th annual Farmers and Merchants Picnic.

Some of us particiated in both. The Ada Icon spent Saturday at the Ada park and shot lots of photos and videos. 

The Icon invites you to sit back and review our photos and videos of one of Ada's oldest annual events. And, please keep in mind, we will continue to add videos and photos of the event all week.

To view the photos, simply click on one to make it enlarge.

It's Farmers and Merchants Picnic weekend in Ada! - Here's the schedule

This weekend marks the 99th annual Farmers and Merchants Picnic in Ada. The Ada Farmers and Merchants Picnic Association sponsor the Friday and Saturday, Aug. 10-11 event.

All events are held in the Park District of Liberty Township (formerly War Memorial Park).

The schedule follows:
5:30 p.m. – Sign ups –golf cart pull
6 p.m. – Golf cart pull begins
7 p.m. - Food on grounds
7 p.m. – 11 p.m. First Due Band

The mother of all garage sales - Lincoln Highway Buy-Way Yard Sale - includes 50 garage sales in Ada

It's the mother of all garage sales. Lincoln Highway's Main Street America Buy-Way Yard Sale is underway Thursday, Friday and Saturday, Aug. 9-10-11.


The Ada Icon provides viewers with a list longer than you can possibly cover even in three days.

Two straight days of rain, hey, we'll take it!

Although we know lots of people talk about the weather, but no one does anything about it, when we see it rained 1.96 inches over a recent two-day period, we'll take it. No questions.
According to Guy Verhoff, local weather observer, here's the weather summary for the first six days of August:

Date            High     Low     Prec
Aug. 1         87         65
Aug. 2         90         58
Aug. 3         92         65
Aug. 4         91         66          1.40
Aug. 5         83         65          0.56
Aug. 6         81         55
