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What's for lunch at Ada schools?

The Ada schools April lunch menu is now posted for viewers on The Icon. Click here to see the menu.

Ohio county health rankings compare Hardin to other 87 counties

How does Hardin County compared to the other 87 Ohio counties measure up on access to healthy foods, obesity rates, teen births, education, and single parent families, and how are these factors linked to health?

The third County Health Rankings just released allow residents look at how healthy Hardin County is, see what factors affect their health, and compare Hardin County to others in Ohio.

News flash: March was 15.3 degrees warmer than normal

News flash: March was warmer than normal - by 15. 3 degrees. Guy Verhoff, Pandora weather observer, reports the following stats for the month.

March 2012 precipitation 2.25 inches
March 2012 snow .05 inches
Normal average March precipitation 2.71 inches
March 2012 average temperature 52.8
Normal average March temperature 37.5
High temperature was 86 on March 21
Low temperature was 21 on March 10
Precipitation was recorded on 10 days in March

McDonald's Restaurant Company Hiring Day March 29

Jerry Lewis’ McDonald’s Restaurants are looking to increase their workforce by up to 15 percent on Thursday, March 29, for its Company Hiring Day.

Jerry Lewis, local McDonald’s Restaurant franchisee owns 17 restaurants in seven counties employing more than 1,000 people. On Thursday, March 29 from 9 a.m. to 7 p.m. McDonald’s managers in Ada, Bluffton, Beaverdam, Lima, Delphos, Van Wert, Ottawa, Hicksville, Carey and Upper Sandusky will be available to answer questions and conduct interviews for a variety of part-time positions at each of Jerry Lewis’ seventeen restaurant locations.

Gone but not forgotten

Main Street Ada has lost a old friend this week. The First United Methodist Church building,destroyed by fire is being razed.

Hello, Ada, we're the newest guy on the block

Greeting from Ada,Ohio! Welcome to The Ada Icon. We are the newest guy in town. Please have patience while we add features to our website. Soon you'll find advertising, lots more classified ads (and they are all free!), additional photos and new stories added daily. Other things to watch for include an Ada Icon Facebook page, plus lots more. Do you have a story idea? Send it to us. Tell your friends about us.
