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Village Voice: Pool passes now on sale

Opening day set for Saturday, May 27

Summer is right around the corner and who isn’t ready for the sun and heat?

Be prepared for those hot days. You can beat the Saturday, May 27, opening day rush and buy your season pass for the Ada pool now.

Passes for 2017 are $45 per person through June 11. After June 11, passes cost $55 per person.

There is a season-long discount of $10 per person for any resident/taxpayer who works or lives within the Ada village limits and is required to file and pay village income tax (subject to verification).

The discount is the village way of saying thanks to taxpayers, because .15% of the village’s income tax is designated to support the pool.

Fly me to the Moon...or maybe Venus

ONU engineering students show off their stuff

Story and photos by Monty Siekerman
Fly me to the Moon...or maybe Venus.

Engineering students showed off their work at a senior design showcase last Tuesday in Mcintosh Center. One such project: design of a solar-powered glider for Venus.

Students worked in teams throughout the year on projects ranging from wastewater pump stations, to gloves for cyclists, dairy farm efficiency, a robot that finds objects, and many more.

Alumni from industry came back to campus to judge the various projects on the engineering involved and how well the students could explain their innovations.


Once upon a time in Ada

Ada High School's first football team

Once upon a time in Ada

Things you didn’t know about your own hometown

By Lee Crouse

[email protected]

September 1906: Ada High School’s first football team consisted of Paul Rothrock, guard; Paul Price, quarterback; Eugene “Stubby” Peterson, tackle; Warren Wagner, only sub.; Norman “Eph” Freund, halfback; Bruce “Chick” Landon, end; Charles Henry, tackle; Leslie Lyle, guard; Dale “Snakes” Stauffer, manager; Eddie Jameson, center; Alden Elliott, end and Roy “Babe” Marty, fullback.

Stewart named softball Hitter of the Week

Freshman Gabby Stewart (Union, Ky./St. Henry) has been named the Ohio Athletic Conference Softball Hitter of the Week for the week.

Stewart earns the honor for the first time in her career.

The freshman led Northern to a 2-2 week.

In an 8-5 victory over non-conference foe Wooster, Stewart went 3-for-4 at the plate and recorded her second multi home run game of her career.

The freshman also added five RBI and three runs scored.

Blanchard Pleasant Buckeyes met

The Blanchard Pleasant Buckeyes 4-H Club help a meeting on Monday, May 1st, at 7:30 p.m. at the Hardin Northern Ag Building. There were 40 members, 9 advisers, and 4 guests. Recreation for the evening was a Human Scavenger Hunt led by Makenna Eibling. 

 Megan Miller gave a Treasurer's Report, Emma Miller talked over the minutes of the previous meeting, and Cassie Deckling led role call. There was a health presentation by Alyssa Heldman over the dangers of anorexia and bulemia, both eating disorders, and Maryanne Woodruff gave a presentation about animal health and how you should be observing your animals to make sure there is no abnormal behavior.

A peek at prom

Ada High School prom was Saturday and if you are interested in a peek at prom photos, click here to view the Ada Bulldog Facebook. Here are sophomore Anabel Alexander and senior Mara Guyton.
