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Ada's latest news

"Pay-it-forward" encourages small gestures of kindness

By Hannah Peterson
ONU senior public relations student

(From Northern Express)

Derek Price, a freshman political science major from Howell, N.J., is implementing a pay-it-forward program known as ONU’s One for You. The program will encourage students to spend an additional couple of dollars when purchasing items at local restaurants in an effort to share kindness and good fortune with those in need.

Ada - Pancake capital of Ohio on Saturday - thanks to Kiwanis Club (688 people served!)

Story and photos by Monty Siekerman - Lots of photos at the bottom

Three score and four years ago the Ada Kiwanis Club started a tradition that continues today. Saturday was the 64th annual Kiwanis pancake and sausage meal held at the Ada schools.

An added attraction was the Easter bunny, thanks to the Ada Area Chamber of Commerce. Thsi year 688 people were served pancakes.

Here's some photos of the event.

2016 Interclass Video is one of a kind

Here's a frame from the Ada High School Interclass Video of 2016. It's a parody for the benefit of students, staff and community members.

The video uses "We Didn't Start the Fire," by Billy Joel. Click here, sit back and be prepared to be entertained.  Several still frames from the video are below.

A video you'll want to watch

Here's a frame from the Ada High School Interclass Video of 2016. It's a parody for the benefit of students, staff and community members. The video uses "We Didn't Start the Fire," by Billy Joel. Click here, sit back and be prepared to be entertained.

Tech ed students present research posters, win robotics competition in Washington, D.C.

Seven Ohio Northern University technology education students attended the International Technology and Engineering Educators Association (ITEEA) annual conference in Washington, D.C, from March 1-4, 2016. During conference’s research poster session, the students presented the results of three research projects with faculty from the Department of Technological Studies.

“Student Perceptions of STEM Curriculum Types” was presented by Ben Freer, a senior from Ashland, Ohio; Andrew Grose, a sophomore from Brooklyn, Ohio; and Zane Cottingim, a sophomore from Camden, Ohio. These students were advised by Trevor Robinson, assistant professor of manufacturing technology.

Pharmacy students receive College of Psychiatric and Neurologic Pharmacists grants

Two Ohio Northern University pharmacy students have received College of Psychiatric and Neurologic Pharmacists (CPNP) grants to attend the CPNP 2016 Annual Meeting from April 17029 in Colorado Springs, Colo.

Joelle Hall, a third-year pharmacy student from Strongsville, Ohio, and Rachel Jackson, a fourth-year pharmacy student from Lebanon, Ohio, are two of only 20 students nationwide selected to receive the $500 grant.
