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Letter: 4-H and FFA poultry displays shown in Goshen Barn at Hardin Fair

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The Hardin County Fair is just around the corner, and it is a very exciting time for the youth in our community.  They have put a lot of hard work into their 4-H and FFA projects and are ready to show them off.  While many are preparing their animals for show, our youth with poultry projects may be feeling a bit of disappointment.

As many know, poultry exhibits have been banned from all fairs in the state. Our youth will not be bringing their birds to the fair, but will instead display educational posters about their projects, including photos of their birds.

These youth have raised the birds and put in the same amount of work as if they were bringing them to the fair. On top of that work, they have also taken time to create a poster to educate fair-goers about poultry and the industry.

I have visited several other county fairs this summer and have noticed a disappointing trend.  Poultry posters have been of outstanding quality, but not many fair-goers have taken the time to view them. 

Many will look in the poultry barn, notice the absence of birds, and continue on their way.  I write this letter to urge our community to take the time to support our 4-H and FFA members’ efforts by viewing their poster displays this year.  While you will not see any birds, I can guarantee you will learn a lot about poultry! 

Poultry posters will be on display in the Goshen Barn at this year’s Hardin County Fair.

Amanda Raines
4-H Program Assistant
OSU Extension Hardin County
