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Hardin County 4-H Dairy Club meets

Submitted by George Bauer

On April 21 The Hardin County Dairy Club, held its third 4-H meeting, where we had our officer election.

For president, Jacob Parker was elected. Joy Boone as Vice President.Treasurer is Jessica Boone. Health and safety and Recreation officers were distributed among many members Croft Bauer, Clint Kitchen and many other clover buds and early 4-H members. Finally, yours truly George Bauer as your secretary and news reporter. 

One of our members, Clint Kitchen, demonstrated how to prepare and show a dairy cow, with our eldest member Joey Bauer as the cow! Giving key pointers on how to do well in Dairy Showmanship.

At our next meeting Carter Bays will provide our refreshments. Croft Bauer will have a health and safety report. Featured demonstration, will be done by Zack Wedertz. Our next meeting will be May 5th Sunday night at 6:30.
