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Ada Kiwanis members learn about Gliding Stars

President Heather Cox called the weekly meeting of the Ada Kiwanis Club to order at 12:00 noon on Tuesday January 14th in McIntosh Center, Ohio Northern University, Ada.

The invocation was offered by Jon Umphress

Cindy Bregel, Gliding Stars, Findlay, was welcomed as a guest.

The membership anniversaries of members Claudia Crawford (January 6, 1998), Sandy Neely (January 8, 2006) and Scott Allison (January 16, 2007) were noted.

In business:
-Members heard an updated financial report from Treasurer Bryan Marshall.
-Secretary Report Brian Myers reported that he contacted Ohio Kiwanis regarding the club’s incorporation status. He also noted that Ohio Kiwanis 2014 Mid-Year Education Day will be held at the Marriott Columbus Airport Hotel on March 14th.
-It was reported that the club provided books for the Head Start program prior to Christmas.  There were 12 girls and 9 boys. Each received 3 books a piece. Thanks to Joe Ferguson, Heather Cox, Bryan Marshall, Carol and Harold Friesner and Santa Claus for their assistance.

-The satellite club met on December 4th with Matt and Claudia Crawford and Jeff Schulman in attendance. The grant request is written towards pediatric backboards and bears for ambulances for the Ada Rescue Squad. They will meet tomorrow (January 15th), 6:00 p.m. at the Community Health Professionals.
-A thank you note was signed by members thanking Community Health Professional for allowing the club to hold to hold its Christmas Party at their location.
-It was reported that that the Kiwanis sponsored Maternal and Neonatal Tetanus (MNT) has been eliminated from 34 countries, leaving 25 countries to go.

-A free chili delivery to area families is scheduled for February. The committee for the event this is: Claudia Crawford, Bob McCurdy, Manda Bennett and Jon Umphress.  -The club’s 62 annual Pancake and Sausage Day is scheduled for Saturday, March 29th.
-Bob McCurdy reported on the Hardin Pioneer Aktion Club. He has invited them to come to our meeting and speak sometime. He also mentioned their annual report. They are looking to have annual meeting/conclave. They had 25 different volunteer activities in 2013.

-Dates for upcoming Restore community meals were discussed. Harold Friesner, Carol Friesner, Tom Kier and Jolene Bailey are on the committee.
-Our next Board Meeting is scheduled for Tuesday, February 11th immediately following the regular meeting.
-Kiwanis Education Minute: The name “Kiwanis” was coined from an expression of the American Indians in the Detroit area. The expression “Nunc Kee-wan-nis” broadly meant “we trade” or “we share our talents.”
-Something to Ponder: If pro is the opposite of con, then is progress the opposite of congress?

-Upcoming Meetings/Events
-Jan. 21 Manda Bennett
-Jan. 28 Jeff Shulman
-February 4 – Meet at New China
-February 11 – Marilyn Green
-February 11 – Board Meeting (following regular meeting)
-February 18 – Harold Friesner – Deb Curlis to talk about Chamber events
-February 25 – Bryan Marshall

President Heather Cox introduced Cindy Bregel with Gliding Stars, who showed a short video on their program.  They have over 130 volunteers. Their volunteer base is getting younger (even as young in 11years old).

The program was brought to Findlay by a University of Findlay professor to better utilize the ice facilities and to create a program to with a wide range of abilities and special challenges including autism, cerebral palsy, Down Syndrome, emotional, behavioral and learning disabilities.  At this time, they have 58 stars, with a waiting list. The program starts in September and ends with a public show in March.

Last year they had over 1,200 people in the audience.

Funding comes from skater fees ($150) along with granting organizations, foundations, individual sponsorships and fundraisers.

It costs about $900 per Star per year.

They are currently limited by ice time and a need for more volunteers.
  For more information, see:
  Sharon Mackenzie was the winner of the 50-50 drawing.

The Ada Kiwanis Club meets each Tuesday at 12:00 noon at McIntosh Center, ONU. Guests are always welcome.
