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Andromeda Galaxy star party Friday at ONU Observatory

Interested in star gazing? Ohio Northern University's Observatory will hold a star party celebrating galaxies -- in particular, The Andromeda Galaxy -- on Friday, Sept 19 between 8:30 and 10:30 p.m. 

According to Dr. John Pinkney, the Andromeda Galaxy is the closest large spiral galaxy to our own Milky Way. (It's "only" 2 million light years away!) The Astronomy Club will be present to point out this galaxy in the sky. The Andromeda Galaxy is just visible to the naked eye on a dark night, if you strain. Follow that up with views through binoculars and telescopes for the full Andromeda experience.

Pinkney said that they will use a CCD camera to display images of galaxies on their TV. Solar system objects like Mars, Neptune, and Comet Jacques will be up for viewing as well.

This event is free to the public, but is contingent on mostly clear skies.
