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Ada's latest news

Kiddie pedal tractor pull champs

36 entries in this year's F&M Picnic competition

Thirty-six youngsters competed in this year's F&M Picnic kiddie pedal tractor pull, directed by the Ada Kiwanis Club. ALL WINNER PHOTOS BELOW -

Winners in three different classes are as follows:

Class A, ages 3 & 4, with 7 participants:
1st place, Riece Clark, Cridersville, age 4
2nd place, Xander Gammon, Alger, age 4
3rd place, Nevan Boulanger, Ada, age 4
4th place, Maura Johnson, Bluffton, age 4.

Old school

Ada's 2017-18 school year starts on Tuesday. Here's a gone-but-not-forgotten photo of what one time meant school in Ada.

What memories does this stir in your mind?


We're assuming this is Peterson 2. It's a Hancock County plate the Icon spotted on a black Ford Expedition EL at the Bluffton Community Swimming Pool.

Once upon a time in Ada

Once upon a time in Ada

Things you didn’t know about your own hometown

By Lee Crouse

[email protected]

SUMMER 1910:

     July 1910 the Manufacture of Knit Goods to be Begun Here as Soon as Machinery Can be Placed, this was an announcement in the Ada Record July 13, 1910. About 1909 some Ada people bought a knitting factory at Wapakoneta, Ohio and in 1910 moved it to the Brewer Block at Ada on the second floor. The manager was to be W.H. Roper from LaPorte, Indiana. This factory was to employ mostly women.

Meet the Icon dog of the week- Suzie

Meet Suzie. What a gorgeous dog! She is a little shy. She's about 2 years old with such a soft lovely coat! Can you give Suzie a forever home? Come and meet her today!

To give a dog a forever home, contact the Hardin County dog shelter. It is located at 49 Jones Road on the west side of Kenton.

Hours: 9 am to 4 pm on Monday, Thursday, and Friday. Phone: 419-674-2209.

Generally, about 20 to 25 dogs are available for viewing.

So many F&M photos - and here's just the start

Photos by Monty Siekerman

The Ada icon loves to post photos and the Farmers and Merchants Picnic is one of our favorite events to shoot.

Monty Siekerman and Ken Collins photographered practically everything that moved on Saturday. We are going to share dozens of photos with viewers - and we will spread them out all week.

So, don't go away. Here's the start of the show.

