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About those blue ribbons

It's National Police Week

By Monty Siekerman
Liberty National Bank is thanking police officers for their service and recognizing those who have died by placing blue ribbons on the posts in front of the Ada office because this is National Police Week.

President Kennedy signed a proclamation in 1962 designating May 15 as Peace Officers Memorial Day and the week in which that date falls as Police Week.

Employees of the local bank also signed a Thank You card that was mailed to the department.

Pictured: Corsie Arn of LNB and Sgt. Donnie Deckling of the Ada PD.

Upcoming high school baccalaureate service

The Ada High School baccalaureate service will be held on Wednesday, May 23,  at 7 p.m. at ONU’s English Chapel. The service is sponsored by the Ada Ministerial Association and area churches. 

“Join us as we gather in a service of worship to give thanks to God for the many talents and gifts he has bestowed on our high school graduates and to seek his guidance and direction for their future,” said Rev. Patrick D. Allen, pastor of the Ada Presbyterian Church.

This year’s speaker is Mrs. Chanda Smith, media specialist at Ada High School. Her message will be based on Matthew 14:22-23 and is titled “What Are You Waiting For?”

Greek Life donation given

Greek Life recently gave a $230 donation to ReStore Community Center. The money came from the proceeds from Greek Week activities held on campus in mid April. The fraternities and sororities hold many competitive events that week. Here’s an Ada Icon photo of this year’s rain-soaked egg race.

Crosstown softball game held

The fourth annual Crosstown softball game on Saturday pitted the Ada Schools staff against the village’s emergency responders. The game benefitted ReStore Community Center with lots of canned goods and some money given to the agency to help those in need.


The Icon spotted WORD on a blue Mazda CX-5 on Ohio Northern’s campus during commencement weekend.

Here is why you see state route detour signs in Ada

State Route 235/State Route 309 overlap between County Road 45 and Township Road 35, south of Ada, will close on Monday, May 14 for approximately five days for a culvert replacement. 

State Route 235 traffic will be detoured onto State Route 309, Interstate 75 and State Route 81 back to State Route 235. 

State Route 309 traffic will be detoured onto State Route 235, State Route 81 and Interstate 75 back to State Route 309. 

Work is being performed by the ODOT Hardin County maintenance garage
