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04 Fun

Despite that this car supports the Bulldogs and one of the high school's color is purple - this is not an Ada car. The Icon found it on a trip to Iowa. It's on a 2004 Mustang.

It's next Saturday!

Harvest and Herb Festival to downtown Ada

It's getting closers.

The next big event on Ada's calendar is the 32nd annual Ada Area Chamber of Commerce's Harvest and Herb Festival in downtown Ada, according to David Dellifield, chamber president.

This year’s festival is from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m., Saturday, Sept. 16. As in past year’s, it will fill Ada’s Main Street from Highland to College. Main Street will be closed at State Route 235 all the way to State Route 81.

The festival has 180 spaces available for vendors and crafters are encouraged to register as soon as possible to insure a booth.

Here's what's happening at Ada HS

It's powder puff football time

Here’s an update on the going’s-on at Ada High School from the school website:

Anyone interested in purchasing a Powder Puff shirt: We will be accepting order forms and money until 3:30 on Monday, September 11th. You can get an order form in the high school office or in Mr. Ames' room. 

NOTE FROM MRS PRATER: Seniors:  If you want more information from any of the following colleges, sign up in the high school office to meet with the admissions representatives on the following dates/times:


Sept. 16th – Harvest & Herb Festival

It's all about September

Ada elementary newsletter lists calendar events, new staff members and special themes for this year

The September newsletter from the Ada Elementary School is now online. The Icon posts it here:

Wow! Another school year is here. What an exciting time in our community. Some students are just beginning their school journey, and this is a big step in their lives! We enjoy the opportunity to teach the kids of our community and be a part of these important moments.

This year we have no new staff members to announce; however, we do have a few changes in what grades teachers are teaching. Mrs. Kosier (Harmon) has moved from 2nd grade to Kindergarten, and Mrs. Butterfield has moved from 3rd grade to 4th grade.

Junior Beta Club is adopting a Texas classroom

The Ada Jr. Beta Club is participating in a project called "Adopt a Classroom." This is a way of helping classrooms in Texas that have been affected by Hurricane Harvey.  They will be collecting money donations at the Ada home football game this Friday, September 8.  All money collected will go toward purchasing items that a classroom and its students in Texas desperately need.  Please consider partnering with us in this important project.


1,250 free lunches this summer

ReStore receives donations from several organizations in order to provide the service

By Monty Siekerman
ReStore Community Center provided 1,250 free lunches to Ada area youth at War Memorial Park this year.

A special week was held in June when members of law enforcement, the ambulance service, and the fire department had personnel and equipment on hand to explain their responsibilities to the children.

Fridays was always a popular day because prizes were handed out to all and water activities were available.

This was the fifth year that ReStore provided the lunches. Calvin Fisher has headed up the lunches and activities for the past several years.
