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Watching the sun and moon play solar eclipse tag over Ada

Where were you when the sun blinked at 2:28 p.m.?

Note: While Monty Siekerman is on a sunny vacation in Florida the Bluffton I con shares its solar eclipse photos with Ada viewers.

FROM BLUFFTON ICON - Where were you when the sun blinked at 2:28 p.m.?

Many Icon viewers were wearing funny dark glasses and staring into space. Those who did have a story to tell their grandchildren. Ada and Bluffton were at 85 percent coverage of the great solar eclipse of 2017.

While not like a total eclipse, it was a very noticible afternoon.


Attention eclipse viewers - Icon wants to hear your story

The Ada Icon seeks viewers who live in the path of the Aug. 21 solar eclipse - or area viewers who traveled to see the eclipse at its full view.

1 – Send your comments
2 – Photos (if you have any)
3 - The location you watched the eclipse
4 - Who you were with at the time
5 - Anything else pertaining to your experience

Send to: [email protected].

Watch for a follow-up story on Ada's eclipse watchers.


The Icon spotted VAMIO1 (that's a zero one) on a silver Mazda Protege 5 on the ONU campus. It's a Hardin County plate.

The Great American Solar Eclipse - coming Monday

ONU observatory will be open to the public


The Ohio Northern University observatory will be open to the public to view “The Great American Solar Eclipse” from 1:30 p.m. to 3:30 p.m. on Monday, Aug. 21. The observatory is located on the west side of campus, off of Lincoln Avenue and near the baseball field.

“We will not experience totality in Ada, but the sun will be covered up to 85 percent,” said Jason Pinkney, Ph.D., professor of physics and astronomy and manager of the ONU observatory. 

Ready, Set, Grow Preschool year starts Monday

And there's still time to register for 2017-18

Ready, Set, Grow Preschool's 2017-18 school year starts on Monday. And, there's still time to register children for the school year.

The preschool offers a 36-week program. Classes are weekday mornings from 9 to 11:30 a.m. Children can attend two, three, four or five days per week.

Parents working or in college may qualify for a free or reduced tuition.

The preschool is housed in First United Methodist Church, 301 N. Main St., Ada. Teachers are Cristal Lyle (LSW) and Carrie Gibson. For more information, call the school at 419-634-0000.

Next up: 32nd annual Harvest and Herb Festival

It's coming to Main Street on Saturday, Sept. 16

The next big event on Ada's calendar is the 32nd annual Ada Area Chamber of Commerce's Harvest and Herb Festival in downtown Ada, according to David Dellifield, chamber president.

This year’s festival is from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m., Saturday, Sept. 16. As in past year’s, it will fill Ada’s Main Street from Highland to College. Main Street will be closed at State Route 235 all the way to State Route 81.

The festival has 180 spaces available for vendors and so far over 80 spaces are signed-up. Crafters are encouraged to register as soon as possible to insure a booth.
