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Ada remembers Sept. 11 with impressive ceremony at fire station

Ada observed the 15th anniversary of the Sept. 11, 2001, attacks on the United States with a ceremony at the Ada-Liberty Township Fire Department.

During the ceremony a flag was presented to the fire department. The flag had flown over Camp Five, Joint Task Force, Operation Enduring Freedom on July 4 of this year.


The flag flag was presented to the fire department on behalf of SPC Cory Kellum to Jay Eply.

(Vickie Garmon photos)

It's a new era for the Heterick Library

Story and photos by Monty Siekerman
Many changes greet visitors to Heterick Library, especially the first floor which now has colorful seating in many configurations---open seating for individuals or groups, cubicles for small groups, and, yes, there still is a circulation desk.

Libraries have renovated to meet the modern times. No longer are there stack and stacks of books facing you when you enter the building since so much information can be accessed digitally.

Summer-long project complete - new gym surface ready for Sept. 12 game

Photos and story by Cort Reynolds

Ada High School unveiled its new gym surface design to the varsity 1971 addition
Wednesday afternoon. The project started in early summer as the floor had
to be sanded completely down for the first time in 15 years, removing
several layers of varnish.


In addition, the high heat and humidity of the summer made it take the
paint longer to dry. But the project was necessary and brightens the gym.

"Over time, a surface will darken," pointed out Ada building and grounds
supervisor Mike Lenhart.

Wilson football garage sale Sept. 24

The Wilson Sporting Goods football garage sale is from 8 a.m. to noon, Saturday, Sept. 24, Liberty Street, Ada. The sale includes hundreds of footballs, baseball gloves, shoes, clothes, tennis items and additional sporting good items.

Applications circulating for this year's Distinquished Citizen of Ada

Do you know a potential “Distinguished Citizen of Ada?”

The Town and Gown Committee wants to know.

The 51st annual Ada Town and Gown Banquet will be held in the McIntosh Center ballroom on the campus of Ohio Northern University on Monday, Nov. 7, at 6:30 p.m.

An application form is attached at the bottom of this story.

Applications are being accepted for the 2016 winner. The guidelines follow:

• The nominee should be a person who looks at what they can do for others and their community to make a positive impact.

The Pride of Ada has a new look - its re-christening is Sept. 17


Its given name sounds like a phone number: Pennsylvania 477779.

It’s 75 years old and after a half-century of hard - all out-of-doors - work, it found Ada – or, Ada found it.

It sadly out-lived its usefulness. It became obsolete, and simply turned into a reminder of the good old days of railroading. But, boy, were those good days.

Pennsylvania Railroad caboose 477779 retired in Ada in 1989. Several historic-mind and railroad-loving residents had a vision for Ada’s also retired and proud passenger station – that also avoided demolition.
