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70 signed up for swim lessons

Seventy youth will be taking Red Cross swim lessons in Ada this month. Sandy Neely reported the following swim lesson update to the Ada Kiwanis:

Lessons are the week of July 7 and July 14 with lessons from 11 a.m. to 2 p.m. at the Ada pool.


Fourth year for 4th of July food pantry distribution

Thanksgiving and Christmas are the holidays typically associated with charitable food distributions, but in 2011 Beth Gray had a different idea.

Beth, a member of the Ada Food Pantry Board, suggested a food distribution associated with the 4th of July. Starting that year the Pantry has during the first week of July distributed to its clients a “basket” of food associated with a summer picnic.

Included were hamburgers or hotdogs, buns, potato salad, corn on the cob and watermelon.

Hardin crop planting update from Extension Office

With the cool, wet spring, farmers have had trouble getting their planting of corn and soybeans done in a timely manner. Up until June 25, there has been a pattern of heavy rains every week or so which has saturated the soil and increased the length of the planting season. Crops that were planted early and have good drainage in the field have done well and are progressing well except for low areas that have been flooded out. These lower areas have slowed root growth and therefore delayed the availability of nutrients to the plants.

Summer reading program winds down

Summer Reading at the Ada Public Library is winding down, but participants still have until Saturday, July 12th to turn in reading logs. Only those who complete and return reading logs will be prize winners.

Click HERE to view the library’s summer reading photo album on Facebook, which includes 17 photos of summer reading events.

June 2014 Weather Summary

The month of June started and ended with a sizzle, according to Guy Verhoff, Pandora weather observer.

For a look at the month's high and lows and precipitation, open the attachement at the bottom of this story.

Now let me think..I know where this is!

Welcome to Ada’s A-B-C Summer Contest.

Each week in June and ending in the first week of July, The Icon will post two photos revealing one letter (or number) taken from Main Street Ada buildings and structures. All photos were taken in May by the Icon’s official contest photographer, Bailey Bowers. The photos cover Main from College Avenue on the south to Highland Avenue on the north.

We invite Icon viewers to keep track of the letters by identifying each letter’s location. An entry form is attached to this story for viewers to keep up to date in the contest.
