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Letter: Encouragement to vote YES for Ada pool renewal levy on Nov. 4

Ada Icon viewers:

As community members and parents of a child in Ada, we are writing to encourage everyone to vote yes for the Ada Pool Renewal Levy on November 4.

There is tremendous value in our community pool as it provides our citizens with a means of both exercise and general recreation during the summer months.

Our son, now nine, has been on the summer swim team for three years. This has been a great opportunity for him to get daily exercise, acquire commitment, and learn from older, more developed swimmers.

Swimming has been a popular sport in Ada, made possible in great part by the availability of the Ada Pool. For many families, summer swim would not be possible if they had to travel to a Lima or Kenton for the summer season.

We also appreciate having the opportunity to enjoy the pool in the afternoons and evenings in summer, when things are hot and rather slow-moving around Ada. We have seen many other families there, especially those with younger children, enjoying the family time together and interacting with other Ada community members.

Of course, everyone is worried about having enough money and new taxes are always a concern. But, voters need to remember that this is NOT a new tax. We have been paying this tax for 20 years—and it is a fairly slight tax at that.

A family earning $50,000 pays just $75 per year. That doesn’t seem like a lot when you consider the benefit to our community. The Village of Ada is only asking us to renew this levy so it can keep the pool running and make improvements to keep the pool safe and something we can be proud of.

The Ada Pool is a vital part of summer recreation for the community as a whole. Few other activities offered on an ongoing basis provide similar opportunities for families and friends to enjoy time together. Plus, our children are able to participate on a local summer swim team that keeps them active and focused.

Please vote yes for the Ada Pool Levy Renewal on November 4 and keep our local pool open for many years to come.

Heather Surface and Michael Limer
