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Ma and Pa Kettle come to ReStore for a Wednesday afternoon movie

Ever hear of Percy Kilbride or Marjorie Main? How about Ma and Pa Kettle? It ages you if you know them. Then it goes that you'd probably appreciate a good Ma and Pa Kettle movie, if your remember them.

That's what ReStore Community Center, 210 N. Main St., Ada, figures. This week is your chance.

ReStore will show the Ma and Pa Kettle in "Back on the Farm." The free movie is at 1 p.m., Wednesday, Feb. 4, at ReStore.

The plot is pretty complex: The Kettles leave their ultra-modern home and return to the country looking for uranium. Ma and Tom's mother-in-law, Mrs. Parker, fight over whether their grandchild will be raised "hygienically".

This is the first of what hopes to be a monthly movie feature at ReStore.
