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New definition for "First Night" includes the word "puppy"

By Monty Siekerman
When you Google the words "First Night," you'll find several meanings, including one about New Year's Eve. That meaning is about a safe, affordable, fun time in many cities.

But I have another definition for "First Night," that of one with a new puppy.

The night you first bring a puppy home is anything but sane. Nope, not affordable, either. Breeders charge hundreds of dollars nowadays for a furry, four-legged critter.

Safe? Yes, if you puppy-proof your home. That means putting everything in boxes or up high out of reach so it won't get knocked over by an inquisitive youngster...or get chewed. I still haven't figured out how to make the couch out of reach...why is such a heavy thing a "treat" for sharp little teeth.

Fun, oh, yes, a puppy is fun to watch...exploring, learning, wondering why a garbage disposal makes so much noise.

Puppies need to pee a lot. That means keeping an eagle eye out for the telltale signs of sniffing and squatting. The First Night finds several "mistakes" (or accidents) at rushing to the front door in be it...things will improve, I tell myself.

When a puppy naps, you nap. Gotta catch 20 winks when you can...for the "First Night" is a long one. Soon, I hope, they learn the human schedule--sleep when it's dark...and for longer than a cat nap.

But the joys of a puppy are numerous: friendship, companionship, laughter and silliness, and much more. It's worth all of the struggle of First Night.

And, if you don't have a puppy to celebrate First Night with on Dec. 31/Jan. 1, you can take in a safe, affordable, fun time in more than 100 cities worldwide. These "First Night" celebrations are billed as "showcasing the visual and performing arts and are substance-free. (Columbus holds one.)

Oh, and meet Abby, a 9-week-old golden retriever who just landed in Ada and somehow survived First Night. I think she will like this Village and all of its Villagers, both those with two feet or four paws. Tomorrow she begins training as a service dog, one to help the night owls, the sleepless, those with insomnia for she will be a good companion for them. Zzzzz.

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