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Amelia is officially in remission

Chemotheraphy is discontinued

Amelia Griffin, Ada’s young super hero, received tremendous news this week: As a result of a PPET scan on Monday, her biopsy results negative. Amelia is officially in remission.

This news was reported by her parents on Team Amanda Facebook. Here’s the Facebook report:

They discontinued her chemo!

Hopefully, she will be going back on the DFMO clinical trial.

Thank you for your prayers and for continuing through this journey with Amelia and our family. You are truly a blessing to our family and we are forever grateful!

Although this will never be over for Amelia and we will forever have to worry, we will take this victory....this amazing gift from God, and will continue to move forward and strive to give our children a normal life.

We will count our blessings every day and never take the little things for granted. We will never give up and pray that we never see Neuroblastoma in Amelia's body ever again!

Amelia is the daughter of Beau and Christina Griffin of Ada. Her brothers are Jude and Willie. Amelia was diagnosed with Stage IV Neuroblastoma since 2015.  It was discovered that she had a tumor next to her spine and metastasized to her spine.
