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Film fest at high school Tuesday afternoon-evening

Plus some free books from the school library for summer reading

Here's some last-minute news items from Ada schools as the school year winds down.

FILM FESTIVAL - The first-ever Ada Student Film Festival will take place Tuesday, May 23, from 4-7 p.m. in the school auditorium. It is free and open to the public.

FREE BOOKS IN THE LIBRARY: Need something to read over the summer?  Please stop in the library and ask Mrs. Smith about free books for you to take and keep.  First come, first served.

TECH OFFICE: All student data stored on your H: drive will be deleted this summer. If you have something stored on your H: drive that you want to keep, you will need to back it up to some storage device before summer. Google accounts will be active over the summer, however, remember these are for school use only and should not be used for personal accounts for things like social media.

CROSS COUNTRY: There will be a cross country meeting for any students grades 8-11 interested in running on Wednesday during 5B lunch in Mr. Klein's room.  Bring your lunch as we will discuss summer training, and sign up for text alerts.

REMINDER SCHOOL FEES: If school fees are not paid in full, you will not receive a grade card at the end of the year.  Please stop in or call the high school office to speak to Mrs. Pifer.

FROM MRS THAXTON: Reminder to 6th - 8th grade: Get Your Glow on Friday  night, 7-9 p.m. in the cafeteria.  $5 admission.

FROM MRS PRATER: Any student in grades 8-11 eligible for Rhodes college credit, turn in a Rhodes CCP application to Mrs. Prater by Friday, May 26. If you've already taken a course for Rhodes credit,  you don't need to re-apply.

May 24th Graduation practice 10:30 – 12:30  p.m. High School gymnasium
May 24th Baccalaureate 7 p.m. at ONU English Chapel
May 28th Commencement 2 p.m. Ada High School Gym
May 30th 2-Hour Early Release for students only at 1:30 pm
June 3rd Ada Alumni Banquet at 5:30 p.m. Cafeteria


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