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8 turkeys, 3 hams, 20 homemade pies

Yes, it was a Thanksgiving feast at ReStore

Photos and story by Monty Siekerman
What do you do with 8 turkeys, 3 hams, and 20 homemade pies?

You serve them to 233 people who come for Thanksgiving dinner. ReStore Community Center hosted 65 more people than a year ago when it held its annual Thanksgiving feast on Tuesday evening.


The free meal not only feeds people, but also provides an opportunity to socialize with friends and neighbors at Thanksgiving time.  All of the trimmings were there: cranberry sauce, dressing, sweet potatoes, mashed potatoes and gravy, green beans and corn, dinner rolls, salad.

Photo: Anita Dearth and Elder Asbury, a Mormon from Willows, Calif., pass out pieces of pie and a dollop of whipped cream from a cart that they wind through the crowd of ReStore diners. Mormons, working in pairs, volunteer their help on occasion at ReStore.
