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Blanchard Pleasant Buckeyes 4H meeting held

The Blanchard Pleasant Buckeyes met Monday, March 26 at Hardin Northern schools with 45 members, 9 advisers, and 10 guest present.  Recreation for the night was bingo, it was lead by makenna Eibling and Heidi Trachsel.  Pledge to the flag was lead by Mariann Woodruff and the 4-H pledge was led by Carol Woodruff.  A parliamentary procedure demonstration was conducted by Vern Woodruff.  Casey Clem moved that member dues be $4.00 with no family paying over $8.00 and was seconded by Alyssa Heldman.  The motion was carried. Election of the officers was also held with theses results:  Ryland Bame;  Vice President, Emma Miller; Secretary Brenna Flowers;  Treasurer, Megan Miller;  Reporter, Alyssa Heldman;  Sentinel, Preston Wykes;  Recreation, Hedi Trachsel and Makenna Ebiling;  Health and Safety, Peytin Pore and Aidan Gatchell;  and Community Service, Maddie Grappy.  The meeting was adjourned with all praying the Lord's Prayer, led by Zeb Wilson.  There will be an officer's training at the McBride's on April 9th.  The next meeting will be held April 16th.  Come prepared to pay for books and dues.    
