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Kiwanians "Zoom"

Members receive a training session on internet program

Joe Ferguson presented Ada Kiwanis membrers with a training session on Zoom. It's a program that allows club meetings to be conducted via the internet.

"Zoom Meetings for desktop and mobile provides the tools to make every meeting a great one," said Ferguson.

He noted that Zoom Focus on your meeting works like this: Click record to leave the note taking to Zoom’s auto-generated, searchable transcripts. It can also have and play videos with full audio and video transmit without uploading the content

Ferguson said that the Ada Kiwanis Club would like to provide the service to those members, who for whatever reason, are unable to attend weekly meetings to still be involved with club activities.

Laptops of smart phones are able to handle the simple downloadable software.

Members then experimented with the new meeting software for the balance of the meeting.
