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Here's the latest from the Jumbo 4-H Club

Report submitted by club Reporter Lindsey Winings
The Jumbo Jr. Farmers 4-H Club met at McDonald Township Hall on June 7th at 7:00pm. The meeting was called to order by member Brenna Dyer.

Lydia Caldwell led the Pledge of Allegiance and Holden Lautenschlager led the 4-H pledge. 

Roll call, noted by Brenna Dyer was responded to by members with their favorite fair food. 

Treasurer report was given and an environmental report was given by Lydia Caldwell. The report was on composting.

Topics of old business included; t-shirt and mask orders (red or white t-shirt with black writing will be the official shirts for 2021), veteran flag placement (where the club voted to continue this service project annually) and animal registration (all complete).

Topics of New business included; Watering flowers at the fairgrounds and signing up for weeks to volunteer to water them, and joining the Lynn Valley Farmers for a Pool Fun day (date to be decided). 

Club Announcements included; reminders for camp sign-up (virtual at 4:oopm on 6/13/2021), fair entries will be done next meeting, and the change of staffing at the extension office. 

The meeting was adjourned.

Refreshments were served by Shepherds and recreation was led by Asher Bridenstein. 

The next meeting is set for Monday  June 28th at 7:00pm at the McDonald Township Hall.  Ade Bridensteind will give a Health Officer Report and Gabe Purcell will lead the recreation activity. Refreshments for the next meeting will be provided by the Manns' family (snacks) and the Dyer's family (drinks).


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