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Liberty Bank pays tribute to Charles VanDyne

He served on the bank for 37 years and 18 as board chair

If you’ve ever tried to fool Charles VanDyne? Ask Brian Marshall how it is accomplished.

Brian lured Charles to a meeting at Liberty National Bank on Wednesday to discuss a recognition for Corsie Arn and Pat Crist.

Turns out the meeting was a surprise special event in recognition of Charles. The bank officially unveiled a plaque naming the “Charles VanDyne Conference Room,” and read a board resolution in his honor.

Attended by countless friends of Charles, who kept the whole thing a secret, the ceremony included the unveiling of a plaque and recognition to him for his many years of service to the bank.

VanDyne has served Liberty National Bank in many ways for his professional lifetime. Those include serving as a board member and chairman of the board. He served on the bank board for 37 years with 18 of those years as bank board chair.

The resolution follows:
The board of directors hereby recognized the many years that Charles VanDyne has served as a board member and chairman of the board for Liberty National Bank. In addition, recognition is being granted to acknowledge his many countless hours providing advice to the bank staff of legal matters pertaining to customer accounts. To mark this man’s many contributions to this bank, the board of directors hereby names the conference room in the Ada Office as the Charles VanDyne Conference Room.

Charles VanDyne
