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Ada Public Library

It's on the library calendar June 24 to July 4

Upcoming events at the Ada Public Library include:
•  Friday, June 24
1 p.m. sidewalk chalk.
3 p.m. teen yoga, grades 6-12.
• Monday, June 27
11 a.m. make and take art, grades K-5.
3 p.m. waffles and art (working on an art project while eating waffles).
• Tuesday, June 28
11 a.m. Astronauts, Earth, and Getting to Space. Learn how to launch a rocket through the effervescent fizz of kitchen chemistry or an air compressor. Also, take a stroll through our celestial neighborhood and imagine the enormous size and vast distance of the planets and sun.

Olympics part 2 - middle and high schoolers get in the game

Last week The Icon featured several photos of the library elementary-age Olympic games.

Here's part 2. Included are  few shots from the afternoon portion of Ada Public Library Olympics, Middle and High School edition. (Ken Collins photos)

Illusion, ventriloquism, juggling...all in one at the library

Story and photos by Monty Siekerman
Remy and Friends entertained more than 100 children at an event sponsored by the Ada Public Library and held at Community Health Professionals on Monday morning.

The kids loved the show of illusion, ventriloquism, and juggling put on by Ron Remy of Dayton.

The Ada Icon asked Ron how he became interested in such a line of work.

"By necessity," he replied, explaining how he quit his 60 hour a week sales job to help his wife with cancer. She became cancer-free, so he thought he'd better get to work to bring in some income. That was 18 years ago.

Anyone need a magical wand?

Could you use some of the magical properties of a Harry Potter wand? There are now several wands in Ada, made by six teens who attended the Ada Public Library teen art session on Monday afternoon at the library. Here, Natalie Walton (right) explains to several of the teens just how to produce a wand.

What's it like being a book author?

What's it like to be a book author? Where do you get your plots?

Amanda Flower, Amish mystery writer, speaks to 13 people at the Ada Public Library on Saturday, answering some of those questions. (Monty Siekerman photo0

Ada youth catch the Olympic spirit - 10 photos that capture the moment

Everyone is in the Olympic spirit. Even in Ada.

Ken Collins took these photos during the Ada Public Library K-5 Olympics earlier this week on the former Ada Masonic Temple lot, adjacent to the library.

The event was part of the library's summer reading program.

Middle high and high school students had their Olympics later.

