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The Village Garden now accepting applications

Applications are now available for The Village Garden.  You can pick up an application at ReStore during normal business hours. All completed applications should be returned by May 1. 

The Village Garden administrator is Joan Zachariah.  You may contact her with questions at 513-578-8123 (leave a message)  or you can email Joan at [email protected].


Time to Get Growing!

Village considering hiring Canine DNA On The Spot, dog excrement ID firm

In an effort to rid village sidewalks and other public sites of dog excrement, the Village of Ada is considering the hiring of Canine DNA On The Spot. The company, based in Cleveland, offers communities and park services with DNA animal excrement testing services.

According to the company website: “We assist municipalities and park services in matching animal excrement found on streets, alleys, sidewalks, parks and lawns, with the actual animal that deposited the excrement.”

It's ONU versus Notre Dame in robotic football April 6


Students from Ohio Northern University’s T.J. Smull College of Engineering have created a team of robotic football players to compete in the fifth annual University of Notre Dame robotic football competition on Saturday, April 6, at 7 p.m. in the Ohio Northern University King Horn Sports Center. The event is free and open to the public.

A vote for this Marimor student may help him and his parents

Owen Weaver, a Marimor student from Bluffton, needs your help. A vote in his behalf might go a long way.


Owen’s parents, Chad and Melissa Weaver,  are trying to obtain a wheelchair van. As part of Mobility Awareness Month, three such vans will be given away. Owen’s parents have a chance to win one of the three because Owen was selected to participate in the van project.

The Icon asked Owen’s mother to explain the project and how you can help. Here’s the explanation in her words:

The Ada Icon - 19,282 views experienced in its first 365 days

It’s all about small towns. It’s where Ada gets it information.

Without fanfare, The Ada Icon observed its first anniversary on March 15. For the past 365 days, this online news and advertising source has provided the Ada community with lots of information. More than you may realize.

The Icon launched on The Ides of March (March 15) 2012, with zero viewers and no advertisers. Many positive things have occurred since its launch. Here’s some information, provided by Google Analytics.

After 365 days online, The Ada Icon now has:
• 33 advertisers
• 2,000 average views per 30-day period

On marking the 17th of March and remembering Mark Lenssen

By Reema Bazzy

I graduated from Ohio Northern University in 1987 with a B.A in Philosophy.  I went on to get a law degree as well, but the degree I am most proud of, when I am taking a moment to feel pride in such things, is that B.A. 

The reason I have a degree in Philosophy at all is due to one person, Dr. Mark Lenssen.  His Intro to Philosophy class during my freshman year so engaged me, his teaching style and approach was so accessible to me, that I was hooked. 
