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Parent-Teacher conferences set

The Ada Schools will have parent-teacher conferences for students in grades K-12 on Monday, Nov. 20 from 4 until 8:30p.m. and on Tuesday, Nov. 21, from 10 a.m. until 8 p.m. Students will only attend school on Monday, Nov. 20that week.   There will not be school on Nov.  21 or 22 for conferences or Nov. 23 and Nov. 24 for Thanksgiving Break.

Elementary conferences will be student-led.  Parents should bring their child with them so that the student, along with his or her teacher, can share information about this year’s progress. Parents had the opportunity to sign up for conference times at open house.

Wynn Hauenstein: "What Veterans Day means to me"

Ceremony moved to Presser Hall, 11 a.m., Friday

By Monty Siekerman
Wynn Hauenstein of Ada will deliver remarks during a Veterans Day wreath-laying ceremony at 11 a.m. on Friday, Nov. 10, in a ceremony moved to Presser Hall on the ONU campus.

He will discuss what Veterans Day means to him, share his experiences from his service during the Vietnam War, and talk about how the war was viewed back home.

School levy, township fire levy pass

Unofficial Nov. 7 Ada election results

Here are unofficial results from Hardin County Board of Elections for Nov. 7. Winners are indicated with *

Ada school levy
723 For*
368 Against

Ada council
415 Bob Simmons*
402 Terry Keiser*
388 Jeffery G. Oestreich*
386 Donald Fleming*
318 Mary Drzycimski-Finn

Ada school board
651 Nancy Allison*
487 Ernest Daugherty*
293 Nicholas Daniels
246 Steve Ramey

Liberty trustees
677 Bradley D. Hays*
589 Gary G. Hall*
390 Randall Preston, Jr.

How Distinguished Citizen is chosen

How is the recipient of the Distinguished Citizen of the Year selected? The Town and Gown consists of 10 organizations. The public nominates candidates for the award. Each organization selects someone to the T&G committee, which reviews the nominees and selects the winner.

Sponsoring organizations are:
Ada Ministerial Association
Chamber of Commerce
Junior Civic League
Kiwanis Club
Lions Club
Ohio Northern University
Rotary Club
Twice Ten Arts Club
Village of Ada

You can assist Northern Nursing without Borders

Nearly two dozen from ONU headed to Dominican Republic

By Monty Siekerman
Northern Nursing without  Borders will return to the Dominican Republic for the ninth year, helping about 500 people in four remote villages near San Juan de la Maguana with health care that can make a big difference in how long they live and their quality of life.

The medical mission group appreciates donations of materials. See list below -

Orange Township gets hit

High winds on Sunday night

FROM BLUFFTON ICON - An extremely heavy windstorm struck Orange Township, just missing the village on Sunday evening.


Power was out for at least four hours in some sections of the township. Dennis Morrison provided several photos to the Icon, showing wind damage.

He reported that the Kimmel barn at 2357 Orange Township Road 27 was heavily damaged in addition to other structures in that neighborhood. Parts of the barn were scattered across the field all the way to State Route 235, over one-half mile away.
