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The Icon found this SHELB 13 on a 2013 red and white Shelby in the Citizens National Bank parking lot.

November school menus

Your November Going Green Menus are available at the link below:

20th annual Festival of Trees bigger than ever

Nov. 12-17 at Community Health Professionals

By Monty Siekerman
This year's Festival of Trees at Community Health Professionals is set for 9 a.m. until 6 p.m. on Monday-Friday, Nov. 12-17.

Many decorated trees, wreaths, and holiday decor items will be up for bid. Proceeds benefit CHP hospice program. 

The 20th annual Festival of Trees has several events planned in addition to the auction items.
Here's the schedule:

Student artwork on display

Student artwork chosen for the current display at Ada Vancrest includes this piece by Danielle Vassil-Horse, 6th grade.

Ada gets dressed up for Halloween

And the weather was perfect

Story and photos by Monty Siekerman
Perfect Halloween weather brought out many trick or treaters in Ada for two hours on Thursday evening. 


Lots of treats were handed out; there were too many smiling faces for any tricksters. Main Street was the "in" place to be with hotdogs, juice, cookies, popcorn and lots of wrapped candy for ghosts and goblins of all sizes and ages.

Vancrest was another popular stop where kids could load up on handful of candy from the many residents who sat in a semicircle to greet the children and fill their bags.

Fall programming underway at Ada HS

Here's what on the current calendar

Book club, ACT tutoring and other activities on starting to take place at Ada High School as fall programming gets underway. Here's the latest from the Ada school website on these themes.

Oct. 31: 2 Hour Early Dismissal at 1:30 p.m. for staff professional development meeting

Attention juniors and seniors:  Just a reminder that you can apply to get Rhodes credits for Comp or Lit or Comm classes for 2nd semester but you need to apply by Nov. 15. You can apply online or pick up an application in Mrs. Prater's office.
