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Here's the September Ada school calendar

Activities are starting to fill the Ada school calendar as school is now underway. Here's events scheduled in September, based upon the calendar from the school website

Want to see a really neat video showing students returning to Ada? Here it is

We couldn't help but share this neat video with Ada Icon viewers. It's a little over one minute long, but worth a view.


Ohio Northern University welcomes incoming freshmen and new students to the 2015-16 academic year with welcome weekend activities.

Events included move-in, playfair, Ada civic engagement day and the ONU class photo.

This flower has Susan's name on it

Two perennial plants named for women's eyes grow next to each other at the Ada Depot Park.

Blackeyed Susan and Blue Eyed Mary, growing side by side, can be found on the east side of the garden.

Blackeyed Susan are easy to grow in Ada and spread easily. They do their thing in August and are on the decline now. Blue Eyed Mary are less common, almost a wildflower, preferring shade or part sun, and plenty of water. (Monty Siekerman)

It's school menu time and here you go

Are you packing or buying?

Just in case your stomach starts growling on Monday, or Tuesday, here's the Ada school menu for August.

Click here for school website

Click here for lunch menu.

Click here for breakfast menu.

Click for the Ada school cafe website for more information.

Making their mark at ONU

ONU students, new and returning, are on campus.

Yesterday countless students made their mark on the spirit rock on campus. 

This photo is from the ONU Art and Design Department Facebook.

What's your favorite Ada depot park flower? Here's nine to consider

The answer to this question could be debated all summer.

What's your favorite flower in the Ada depot park? It depends on several variables. For example, which month do you check the blooms? What's your favorite color? What's your favorite fragrance? 

Do you like climbers? Do you like creepers? The list goes on.

We can't solve this question, but we can provide our favorite nine blooms in August. These were photographed earlier this week. We've simply focused on one individual flower of our favorites.

We hope you enjoy these also.
