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Some snow shoveling tips to avoid back pain

“Snow shoveling is one of those things that no one likes to do, but most of us have to do – living here in Northwest Ohio”, states Wanda Dean, MSPT and owner of Northwest Physical Therapy. “What often accompanies this chore is the aching back and the heating pad, making the rest of your day miserable.”  Dean goes on to state, “There are some things we can all do to prevent injury and make snow shoveling a chore that doesn’t have to cause pain.”

Here are some tips to keep you healthy and pain-free this winter while shoveling snow:

Ada's ReStore now part of Kroger Community Rewards Program

Ada's ReStore Community Center is now part of the Kroger Community Rewards Program. Year after year, local schools, churches, and other non-profit organizations earn money through the program. 

If you sign up for the rewards program using Ada's ReStore Community Center, Kroger will donate a percentage of your purchase to ReStore.

Persons may register online at Have your Kroger Plus card handy. If you are a new online customer, you will need to click on “Create an account.”  If you already have an account, click on “Sign in.”

2012 warmer and dryer than recent years

Does it seem like it's been warmer this past year? Well, that's because it was. 

The overall average temperature for 2012 was three degrees warmer than 2011.  Even the average coldest temperatures of 2012 were warmer than the average coldest temperatures of the previous six years.  2012 was, in fact, warmer than any of the previous six years, according to Guy Verhoff, Pandora weather observer.

By March we had already had a day above 80 degrees and by the end of May, we had already had our first above 90 degree day.  The warmest temperature of 2012 was 102 degrees F and occurred on both June 28 and July 6. 

Ada Library breathes new life into Friends organization with membership drive

Do you love libraries? Do you enjoy that libararies allow everyone, no matter your income or abilities, access to books, movies, computer use, kids activities and community? 

The Friends of the Ada Public Library is a volunteer, non-profit organization dedicated to enhancing the library in the Ada community. Friends help promote the library, develop activities, present special programs, and encourage reading and use of the Library.

In an attempt to revitalize the group the library is holding a Friends membership drive. Join now and any current fines will be forgiven! The first meeting of the new year will be held Tuesday, Jan. 22, at 7 p.m.

Can you imagine a December with an average daily temperature above freezing?

Guy Verhoff, Icon weather observer provided a summary of our December weather.  Here goes:

The high temprature in December was 66 degrees on Dec. 3. The low was 14 degrees on Dec. 28. The average December 2012 temperature was 36.9 degrees. The normal average for December is 29.2 degrees.

The precipitation for December 2012 was 16 inches (combining both rain and snow inches). The normal average precipitation is 2.69 inches.  A little catching up from our dry November.

Are you buying or packing on Thursday? Here's January's school menu

Are you packing or buying? What's for lunch in the Ada Schools for January? The school menu is an attachment at the bottom of this story.

Looks like back-to-school on Jan. 3 is chicken strips with sauce, whole grain bread, steamed green beans, fruit and milk.
