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"Open Wall" invitation from ArtSpace/Lima

July 9-19, a first – and unique – exhibit for ArtSpace/Lima. 

ArtSpace is excited to introduce its inaugural 'Open Wall' event, offering a unique opportunity  for emerging artists to exhibit their work in a professional gallery setting.

Cheerleading competition at Hardin County Fair

Registration must be postmarked by August 1

The Hardin County Agricultural Society is hosting a cheerleading competition at the Hardin County Fair on Sunday, September 8, 2024 at 12:30 p.m.

Ohio Lake Erie Commission receives $5.8M

Award to fund projects in underserved Ohio Lake Erie Watershed communities

CLEVELAND, OH - May 30, 2024 - Ohio Lake Erie Commission (OLEC) has been selected as one of four recipients of the multi-million dollar Great Lakes Environmental Justice Grant Program awards, aimed at improving environmental outcomes in underserved and overburdened communities within the Great Lakes Basin.

Friendship Gardens announce summer programs

Free programs, no registration required

HARDIN COUNTY __ The Hardin County OSU Extension Master Gardener Volunteers are hosting three summer garden programs at the Friendship Gardens of Hardin County located at 960 W. Kohler Street in Kenton.

Ottawa Metro Park Amphitheater Summer 2024 entertainment series

For more JAMPD news, visit

The Johnny Appleseed Metro Park District has scheduled the following free entertainment series at the Ottawa Metro Park Amphitheater at 2632 Ada Rd., Lima.

Design competition announced for new shrine at Indian Lake

RUSSELLS POINT,__ The Our Lady of Fatima Shrine was destroyed by the powerful EF-3 tornado that hit Indian Lake on March 14. The property owner, The American Society of Ephesus (ASE), is now partnering with ArtSpace Lima to conduct a design competition to rebuild the shrine.
